GMAC In Action

We’ve been trending …

Six years into our mission, we continue to create meaningful conversations and awareness around myopia.

Take action today!

Explore our latest campaigns with your children, family, and friends. You’ll find plenty of fun ways to to reduce the risk of myopia.

Share your own story on social media and make a difference for future vision health!

December 2024

Myopia Awareness Toolkits

Knowledge is power, but having the right tools is transformative. In 2024, GMAC began developing practical toolkits to support parents, educators, and eye care professionals in tackling myopia. Distributed through the world's most notable eyecare associations, these toolkits simplify complex concepts, offering ready-to-use materials and actionable strategies to manage myopia progression effectively.

June 2023

Screen Staycation

Playing outside was once the apex of childhood fun. These days, kids are glued to screens and near-work activities and spend more time indoors. To tap into nostalgia and bring outdoor fun back to the forefront, GMAC launched the Sight Sanctuary campaign – a challenge that encouraged families to create an outdoor space where kids can take a break from screen-time and indoor play, both of which can contribute to the progression of myopia. The campaign took shape through a digital blitz rooted in influencer content and paid media tactics that targeted parents and HCPs, including pediatricians and eye care professionals.

June 2022

Screen Staycation

Pulling inspiration from an insight that childhood myopia rates are on the rise due to increased near work activities (i.e., screen time) and less time outdoors, GMAC created the Screen Staycation campaign. Through various earned and paid tactics, including partnerships with parents, HCPs, and teachers, families across the country were challenged to take a 24-hour tech timeout and schedule comprehensive eye exams to ask about new treatment options to slow down the progression of myopia.

December 2021

End-Of-Year Campaign

We continued momentum with our end-of-year campaign by stressing the importance of parents speaking with their child’s eye doctor about new myopia treatment options, especially while kids were on holiday break. For the first time, we partnered with both parent and eye care professional influencers across different social platforms.

December 2020

Battling Myopia IRL 2.0

We continued our successful summer campaign by collaborating with 2 parent and 2 gamer influencers to continue the conversation around myopia in children and gaming and screen time. Board member Dr. Millicent Knight played popular games (Fall Guys and Among Us) with our gamer influencers as a creative way to add credibility.

June 2020

Game On: Battling Myopia

We met parents and tweens where they engage together, in the world of entertainment and gaming, to educate them about myopia in children. We surveyed 2K parents on their family’s screen-time habits, shared findings with media, and enlisted 5 influential video gamer and parenting influencers to bring gaming excitement off the screen and into real life, while sharing an important message about balancing screen time and family time outdoors.

Check out the story in The New York Times
December 2019

Vision Mission

We challenged parents to create their own “Vision Mission”—a fun, silly, or meaningful playdate with their tween—centered around visiting their eye doctor to ask about new treatment options for myopia.

See how you can make a difference

Learn more about how you can protect your child’s vision.